Five Year Plans Of India 1951 to 2017 | Facts, Objectives

Five Year Plans of India | 1951 to 2017

Five Year Plans Of India

First Five Year Plan: 1951-1956

 Fact: Known as Harror Domar Model
Objective: Agricultural Development was the main Objective of this Model.
Result: Growth rate was marked 3.6 %

Second Five Year Plan: 1956-1961

Fact: Based on the P.C. Mahalanobis Model.
Objective: Main objective was Industrial Development.
Result: Achieved growth rate of 4.1%

Third Five Year Plan: 1961-1966

Fact: It is also known as Gadigil Yojna
Objective: Economical Independence & Self Reliance
Result: This plan was not successful due to China War, It marked 5.6% Growth.

Plan Holidays: 1966-1969

It was made due to failure of Third Year Plan and Indo China War.

Fourth Five Year Plan: 1969-1974

Fact:" Garibi Hatao" was given 
Objective: Growth with Stability
Result: Growth rate 3.3%

Fifth Five Year Plan: 1974-1979

Fact: It was prepared by DP Dhar
Objective: Removing Poverty was main objective of this plan.
Result: Achievement of 4.8% of Growth rate

Sixth Five Year Plan: 1980-1985

Fact:It was based on Investment Yojna
Objective: Poverty Eradication and Technology Self Reliance
Result: 5.7% Growth Rate

Seventh Five Year Plan: 1985-1990

Objective was to achieve self sufficient economy or growth in Economic Productivity

Eighth Five Year Plan: 1992- 1997

Fact: During this time Narsimha Rao led government launched New Economy Policy Of India
Objective: Modernization in Industries and to overcome foreign debt.
Result: Got 6.8% Growth Rate

Ninth Five Year Plan:  1997-2002

Main objective of this plan was "Growth with Justice and Equity"
Only 5.6% of growth rate was achieved against 7%.

Tenth Five Year Plan: 2002-2007

Fact: It was planned to double the Per Capita income of India.
It was aimed to reduce the poverty ratio by 15%.
12% of growth rate was recorded

Eleventh Five Year Plan: 2007-2012

Fact: It's theme was faster and more inclusive growth. It was prepared by C.Rangarajan.
Objective: To increase enrollment in Higher Education, mainly 18-23 years age group
Result: Growth rate of 7.9% was achieved against 8.1%

Twelfth Five Year Plan: 2012-2017

Theme: “Faster, More Inclusive and Sustainable Growth”.
It's target is to achieve 8.2% growth rate.